How to Respond When Your Girlfriend Is Sad Over Text: 30+ Flirty And Witty Responses (2024)

You send a text to your girlfriend asking how her day was, and she replies saying she’s sad or upset about something.

What do you say back?

As her caring boyfriend, you want to be supportive and say something to cheer her up or make her feel better. But it’s not always easy coming up with the right words over text.

So I put together this list of 30 flirty, witty and supportive text messages to have ready for the next time your girlfriend needs emotional support.

Whether she had a bad day at work, fight with friend or just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, these cute and caring responses will put a smile back on her face.

30 Text Responses When Your Girlfriend is Sad

Now check out these 30 examples for what to say when your girlfriend is sad over text:

I’m always here for you when you’re feeling down. I may not be able to physically give you a hug through the phone but I’m sending you virtual hugs and kisses 🤗 😘. Want to vent to me about what’s bothering you?

Sorry to hear you’re not having a good day. Remember that it’s just one bad day, not a bad life! Sending positive thoughts your way 💭.

I wish I could take away whatever’s making you sad. But since I can’t, hopefully this silly gif can at least make you crack a smile! [insert funny GIF]

Don’t waste time feeling sad about things you can’t control. I know it’s easier said than done, but try to focus on the good still around you. And I’m thankful you’re one of those good things in my life 🥰.

Let all that stress and negativity wash away. You deserve to feel happy and at peace with yourself 🧘‍♀️.

I’m heating up the hot chocolate and clearing my schedule to talk if you need an understanding ear. Bad days suck but you know what doesn’t? You, because you’re awesome!

I’ll race you to see who can make the silliest face on Snapchat. Ready, set, go! [insert silly selfie] Beat that! 😜

I know you’re upset but crying isn’t going to solve anything. And it would be a crime to cover up that pretty face of yours with tears! 🌧️

Stop being so hard on yourself! You’re amazing just as you are. Keep your head up – you’ve got this! 👸

Want me to tell you a joke? I’d do anything to hear your wonderful laugh right now ☺️.

I’m sending a rescue team with emergency chocolate and cuddles. In the meantime, watch this cute puppy video to hold you over! [insert cute puppy link]

It’s just a bad day, not a bad life! Think about a positive memory from the past week and remember better times are ahead.

I know you feel miserable right now but it will pass. Let me know if you need a hype man to remind you how talented, smart and beautiful you are! 📣

You’re so strong for reaching out when you’re not feeling 100%. Talk to me about what’s on your mind – getting emotions out in the open is the first step.

I want you to look in mirror and repeat 5 times: “I am worthy. I am loved. Better times are coming.” Say it until you believe it!

I’m sending superhero vibes your way! 🦸‍♀️ Remember how resilient and unstoppable you are. This sad mood doesn’t stand a chance against you!

I wish I was there to wrap you up in my arms. For now, cozy up under a blanket and put on Parks & Rec – Ron Swanson always cracks me up! 😂

Chin up, baby! Every storm runs out of rain just like bad times don’t last. Want to watch a movie together to get your mind off things? My treat! 🍿

I know you’re having an awful day so let’s escape reality for a bit. Grab snacks and turn on MarioKart – I challenge you to a duel! 🎮

I’m sending a virtual warm hug filled with all my love to wrap around you. And unlimited cuddles that don’t expire so use them whenever you need an emotional boost! 🤗

It hurts my heart to hear you’re not feeling like your usual vibrant, smiling self today. Remember I’m always in your corner when times get rough. 🥊

I wish I was there to bring you your favorite ice cream and watch a romantic comedy together under the covers. For now, know that you have someone who cares. 🍦

Let’s flood your mind with positive thoughts – write down 5 things that make you smile, 5 talents you have, and 5 goals for the future. The blue skies will come out soon 🌤️!

I know the sadness feels overwhelming but it will pass, I promise. Let all those negative thoughts fly away like balloons. Now smile for me, pretty girl! 🎈

I’m sending a text full of encouragement and love like a big warm blanket fresh out of the dryer! Wrap yourself up in it and feel better soon. 🧺

I hate thinking about you being down in the dumps. Remember that you have so much wonderfulness to offer this world – don’t let anything dull your shine! ✨

I wish I could summon unicorns 🦄 or Snapchat filters in real life to surround you with rainbow vibes right now! For now, know I’m always here when you need positivity or just a listening ear. 🌈

I know you feel crappy but remember this feeling is only temporary. Sending hugs from me and sloppy kisses from my goofball dog to make you laugh! 🐶

Let’s turn this frown upside down! Even when stuff gets you down, your strength, humor and beauty still stand. Brighter days coming, babe! Here’s a silly GIF to start smiling now. ☺️ [insert funny GIF]

I’m sorry you’re feeling so blue today. I wish I could lift your spirits but since I can’t, I’ll settle for lifting these noodle arms! makes funny muscle man poses Just don’t laugh too hard at them! 💪😆

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Hilarious Responses to Send

Going through a rough time? Laughter really is the best medicine. When your girlfriend is feeling down, sending a funny or sarcastic response can help lighten the mood and get her smiling again.

Here are some hilarious text messages to send if your girl is sad and needs a pick-me-up:

1. Ridiculous Exaggerations

I just punched a wall I was so sad to hear you’re upset! Don’t worry, the wall was fine but my hand is totally broken now. Want me to send you a pic of my swollen purple fingers? That ought to make you laugh!

I’m crying even harder than that time I watched The Notebook. And you know how much I sobbed during that Ryan Gosling film! 😭

Wow, I think a rain cloud just formed over my head. Yep, now it’s pouring on me! Send help, I’m drowning in my own tears over here! 😫

2. Silly Selfies

Sends sad face selfie with tissues shoved up nose Sorry you're feeling down…want to see how many tissues I can fit in my nostrils? Might cheer you up!

Sends pouty duck face selfie Feeling sad stinks! But not as bad as my ugly duck face in this pic, am I right?

Sends silly cross-eyed selfie Your sad text made me cry so hard my eyes got stuck like this! Are you happy now? 🥴

3. Ridiculous Pick-Up Lines

  • I was feeling down because you weren’t smiling but then I realized…frowning uses more muscles! So keep working out that pretty face, baby! 💪😆
  • Are you from Tennessee? Cuz you’re the only 10-I-see! Except right now I see your frowny cute face at like a 6. Smile and get back to a perfect 10!
  • I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours? But more importantly, can I have your laughter and smile back too?

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4. Cheesy Jokes

  • Don’t be sad! Because everything is gonna be…wait for it…ochay! Get it? Okay!! …Sorry, that was a stretch. I just want you to feel better!
  • What do you call a nervous javelin thrower? Shakespeare! Hahaha, speared no pun on that one! …Come on, I heard you chuckle. Admit that was funny!
  • Why do bees stay in their hives during winter? Swarm! Get it? Hahaha, wow, tough crowd. I’ll keep trying though, you’ll laugh eventually!

Savage Responses

If funny isn’t quite working, fight fire with fire and send these snarky comebacks when your girlfriend is feeling upset or melancholy:

1. Sarcastic sympathy

  • Wow, so sad to hear someone as perfect as you actually has real human emotions. Must be so hard being such a delicate flower! 🌸
  • Aww poor baby! Want me to call the wambulance to come get you? Cry about it some more, I’m sure that will make you feel better! 🚑

2. Tough love

  • Stop whining and woman up! I know you’re stronger than this minor setback. You gonna let stupid crap get the best of you? That’s weak! 💪
  • Settle down and cut the waterworks, drama queen! It’s really not as big a deal as you’re making it. Tissues are in aisle 5 for your pity party.👸

3. Reverse psychology

  • Wow, clearly you WANT to stay sad if you’re getting this bent out of shape about it. I’ll just leave you alone to sulk then. Have fun being gloomy! 🏃‍♂️
  • Yikes, I should have known better than to waste positivity on Debbie Downers like you! Enjoy feeling sorry for yourself. I’m out! ✌️

Supportive Responses

If humor and snark aren’t appropriate, take a more caring approach with these understanding text messages when she’s feeling low:

1. Words of Encouragement

I know you feel helpless and defeated right now, but you have so much strength in you, even if you can’t feel it. This too shall pass. Sending hugs! 🤗

Please don’t be so hard on yourself! Everyone messes up sometimes – tomorrow is a chance to start fresh. You’ve got this!

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2. Heartfelt Compliments

Going through a rough patch can’t take away all the wonderful qualities I admire in you. You’re so creative, loyal and resilient! This is just a stumbling block, not the end.

I’m sorry people/life aren’t treating you fairly right now. But I’ve never met someone as kindhearted, fun and talented as you. Don’t let this challenge make you forget your self-worth!

3. Offering a Helping Hand

Let me know if you need anything – someone to vent to, chocolate delivery, funny memes! I’m here for whatever could help brighten your day. You deserve support right now.

I hate thinking about you beating yourself and and feeling so sad. Please call me if you need to talk it out or even just a distraction from your own thoughts. I care about you!

Top 10 Editor’s Choice Responses

After polling our team of dating experts, we put together this list of the absolute best text messages to send when your girlfriend is feeling down. Use these top-rated responses for extra assurance you’re saying the right thing.

1. The “Flirty Funny”

Remind her of your special connection with some lightweight humor to get her smiling.

Aww I’m sorry you’re blue today, cutie! But thinking about your adorable smile always turns my bad days around. How about we recreate our first date tonight over FaceTime and make some new fun memories? 🥰

When to use: She needs cheering up but is still in an emotional place to appreciate gentle humor and sweet nostalgia.

When NOT to use: The issue she’s facing is extremely serious like grieving or trauma.

2. The “Break the Ice Meme”

Inject laughter by sending a personalized funny meme or gif.

[Send goofy Spongebob meme] This had me cracking up so I thought I’d pass it along. You can always count on Spongebob to make any crummy mood disappear! Miss your smile.

When to use: She has the emotional bandwidth to find humor helpful right now.

When NOT to use: The timing feels wrong given the sensitivity of her situation.

3. The “Thoughtful Listener”

Show you care by asking follow-up questions about why she’s upset.

I’m so sorry to hear you aren’t feeling like yourself lately. Do you want to talk about what’s troubling you? I’m always here listen without any judgment and help however I can. Just say the word. ❤️

When to use: She needs to open up and vent about deeper issues she’s working through.

When NOT to use: You get the sense she just needs distraction rather than emotional processing.

4. The “Encouraging Champion”

Send uplifting messages praising her resilience when she’s doubting herself.

I know you feel like you can’t push through this right now but I believe in you, even when you don’t believe in yourself. You have so much strength, courage and heart. With time, this pain will pass. And I’ll be cheering for you every step of the way till happiness finds you again! 📣🦸‍♀️

When to use: She really needs a morale boost and reminder of her capabilities

When NOT to use: The timing isn’t right for big inspirational pep talks.

5. The “Mushy Sweet Talker”

Share from the heart why you admire her to reaffirm her self-worth.

Seeing your radiant smile light up my day is one of the things I look forward to most. Please don’t let this temporary sadness make you forget how special you are to me and all those around you. You have so much wonderfulness to offer this world – don’t let anything dull your shine, baby!

When to use: She needs comfort and to be reassured when self-doubting.

When NOT to use: The context feels too flippant for gushing romantic words.

6. The “Hopeful Realist”

Validate her feelings while giving an optimistic perspective.

I know you can’t just “turn off” feeling sad – you have every right to feel this way. But just remember this is only temporary heartache, not permanent. Better times filled with joy are coming! This isn’t the end, just a difficult chapter before your next beautiful beginning. ❤️

When to use: She needs caring understanding with a silver lining.

When NOT to use: The situation is truly bleak so false positivity would frustrate, not help.

7. The “Emergency Distraction”

Suggest watching a funny video or movie together to hit pause on negativity.

Babe, let’s take a break from feeling gloomy! Grab your favorite snacks and put on [insert funny movie]. I’ll keep texting silly commentary til I hear you laugh out loud! 🍿😆

When to use: Laughing could be cathartic medicine.

When NOT to use: Now’s not the right time to trivialize her inner turmoil.

8. The “Romantic Daydreamer”

Paint a picture of happy possible futures you could share.

Close your eyes with me and imagine us strolling hand in hand along the beach on our dream vacation someday, without a care in the world. I yearn for the day I get gaze into your eyes seeing them sparkling with pure joy and inner peace. We’ll get there, I promise! 🏝️🌅

When to use: She emotionally needs to be reminded of brighter days ahead.

When NOT to use: She requires practical solutions for the current issue, not pipe dreams.

9. The “Proud Partner”

Compliment her strength and resilience.

One of things I admire most about you is your ability to push through challenges. I know you feel defeated right now but I have no doubt you will tap into that fierce inner warrior of yours to fight back soon. You amaze me with your courage – this is just another battle you will win! 💪👑

When to use: She needs encouragement to perseverance so praise can uplift her spirit.

When NOT to use: Simply venting without solutions would be most helpful to her now.

10. The “Calming Presence”

Offer a listening ear for her to open up and get emotions out constructively.

I can’t stand knowing you’re anything less than happy. Please tell me what’s on your mind – don’t carry this burden all by yourself. I’m here with open arms and open ears. Talk to me about what’s really going on under the surface so we can tackle it together. 🤝

When to use: She’d benefit from a patient, caring sounding board.

When NOT to use: The timing isn’t right for deep vulnerable conversations.

Here is the fourth part with additional related headings and a conclusion:

How to Reply to Your Girlfriend When She’s Sad in Different Situations

As her caring, supportive boyfriend you want to say the right things when your girlfriend is feeling down. Here is some guidance on thoughtful responses tailored to her based on the context.

If She Had a Tough Day at Work

I’m so sorry work was awful today. I know how stressful/frustrating/draining that can be. Want to vent about what happened? Sending virtual hugs!

Ugh, mean coworkers/bad bosses/unreasonable demands? seem to be going around lately! Don’t let them dull your sparkle – you’re incredible and anyone would be lucky to work with someone as brilliant as you!

Aw hun I hate to hear today drained you to empty. Let’s plan a fun chill night to recharge your social battery! I’ll handle dinner and movies, you just focus on decompressing. 🛀👗

If She’s Fighting with Friends

Oh no, girl drama stirring up trouble? I’m here if you need someone impartial to weigh in. But in most cases, this too shall pass! Deep breaths!

Ugh, the nerve of some people! You don’t need that kind of backstabbing/pettiness/thoughtlessness in your circle. I say good riddance!

Trying times just make you treasure the keepers even more. Focus on those true blue friends who stand by your side, not the fakes! Sending positive vibes your way! 💖

If Family Issues Got Her Down

I’m so sorry you and your mom/dad/sister had that blow up. Family dynamics can be so tricky to navigate. If you need advice or just need someone in your corner, I’m right here! 👫

Ughhh why do relatives like stirring up old drama?? Don’t play into their games – kill their garbage vibes with kindness and focus on the fam who does uplift you! 💆‍♀️

Aw sweetie, family fights reopening old wounds are the worst. Curl up in a cozy blanket and binge watch something silly to give yourself a break from the drama tornado! 🛋️

In Conclusion

Dealing with sadness, stress or emotional hurt is never fun or easy, especially for a caring partner. While no magic words can instantly “fix” things, sending heartfelt empathy, humor, encouragement and support can help your girl or guy going through a hard time feel less alone.

There will always be inevitable ups and downs in life. But being able to navigate them side by side with your loving girlfriend or boyfriend makes the storms feel less scary to weather. Use the suggestions in this article as inspiration the next time your significant other needs consoling over text.

How to Respond When Your Girlfriend Is Sad Over Text: 30+ Flirty And Witty Responses (1)

Sarah Koch

I’m Sarah Koch, and I work as a Relationship Coach in Austin, Texas. I’ve been doing this job for more than 9 years. I studied Sociology and Counseling Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. My main goal is to help people create strong and happy relationships. I also wrote a book called “Irresistible Texting” to share my ideas on how to have better relationships through texting.

How to Respond When Your Girlfriend Is Sad Over Text: 30+ Flirty And Witty Responses (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.