The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (2024)

What is State of Survival?

State of Survival is basically a zombie game. However, instead of mindlessly making the undead’s head pop off, State of Survival focuses more on economyand how well you would manage a zombie apocalypse settlement.

There are currently 30 playable characters in State of Survival divided into three categories: Rare, Epic, and Resonating.

As a management game, there is nothing better than having an assistant do the work for you when it comes to handling your resources. Fret not, because BlueStacks is your perfect partner when playing State of Survival. BlueStacks’ Macros feature will give you the edge especially when it comes to farming. With the Macro Recorder,( you can automate your gathering trips with the press of a button. By recording yourself doing the task manually once, you can use the resulting macro to streamline the process in every subsequent attempt.

Let us dive into all State of Survival characters — their choice of weapon and the benefits that you can get when they are in your party.


  • Rusty

Weapon: Shotgun

Benefits: +15% Metal Gathering Speed

Rusty’s backstory involves the Raiderz, a biker gang whom he disassociated himself with after a certain incident. The gang’s leader, Tombstone, placed a bounty on his head after his departure.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (1)

One of Rusty’s distinguishable features is his big beer belly. The bulge might get in his way sometimes, but when it comes to a fight you can fully depend on Rusty.

  • Ghost

Weapon: Uzi

Benefits: +15% Gas Gathering Speed

Now you see him… And now you do not. Living up to his name, Ghost is a State of Survival hero that can reach places because of his insane stealth. He is very sneaky and also a very close companion to Maddie.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (2)

Behind his low-key facade is a creative mind who always sees and appreciates beauty wherever he goes.


  • Chef

Weapon: Flamethrower

Benefits: +20% Wood Gathering Speed

As his name suggests, Chef used to work at a roadside diner. He can turn simple ingredients into a delicious meal to give energy and put smiles on his customers.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (3)

Residents of the Settlement love his cooking and, despite the shortages, he’s still dishing up delicious grub.

  • Eva

Weapon: SLR

Benefits: -19.50% Enemy Settlement Troop Health

Want to meet the Black Widow of State of Survival? Her name is Eva Lopez and she might just be the toughest female in the game’s settlement.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (4)

She has a tattoo on her arm and excels at killing people. Approaching her requires time and patience.

  • Mike

Weapon: M16

Benefits: +20% Food Gathering Speed

Mike Ferguson is a police officer in this story. Back in the day, when he was still in the academy, his fellow police officers called him “Devil Mike.”

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (5)

He might be young at 25 years old, but it seems like Mike has seen the horrors of the world which is why he firmly believes in law and order.

  • Sarge

Weapon: M4

Benefits: +65.20% Troop Infected Defense

Out of all the State of Survival characters in the game, Sarge might just be the most creative and versatile hero. He used to be a Sergeant in the US Nadine Corps but unfortunately got caught smuggling during service.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (6)

Then he got a desk job as a travel agent. Now, his past experiences can be put to good use in the zombie apocalypse.

  • Tony

Weapon: Dual SMG

Benefits: +65.20% Troop Infected defense

Arguably the hottest character in State of Survival is Tony Tan. He is a celebrity who is described as arrogant and a certified avaricious person.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (7)

He likes showing off his toned body, which some of the settlement members fancy.

  • Basel

Weapon: AK47

Benefits: +65.20% Troop Infected Health

Basel used to serve as a bodyguard for high ranking officials before the outbreak. He was born and raised in a military family so he knows his way around strategy and advanced combat.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (8)

Basel is accompanied by his pet tiger Fahad.

  • Candy

Weapon: Assault rifle

Benefits: +65.20% Troop Infected Defense

Wanna know where this girl got her nickname? Why from eating sweets of course. Candy likes being isolated from the pack most of the time. She spends her alone time mastering the art of shooting and close combat.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (9)

Her closest ally would have to be Brooke. You can read a special narrative about Candy in the State of Survival v1.9.110 update called The Tree of Life.

  • Travis

Weapon: Sniper

Benefits: +65.20% Troop Infected Lethality

+100% Troop Infected March Speed

-20% Chief Stamina Consumption

-20% Squad Stamina Consumption

Travis is the ultimate hunter on the team. He was first exposed to the activity when he saw his grandfather use a rifle. The young Travis got hooked and eventually joined the military as a combat tracker.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (10)

He refers to all Infected as “varmint.”

  • Jane

Weapon: Revolver

Benefits: +65.20% Troop Infected Health

Jane Goldshot is a ranch girl. She grew up as the only girl in a family of five brothers so she’s always out there proving she is tough enough to do things.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (11)

And she is. She excels at using her revolver and can draw on any lurchers who come within range.

  • Kang Eunjoo

Weapon: Bow

Benefits: extra skill benefits for military 1

extra skill benefits for military 2

Kang Eunjoo is a Korean who wears a noticeable mask. Beneath the mask lies a very cute face with a knack for archery.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (12)

She also knows how to dance and do Kyūdō training.


  • Ash

Weapon: Flamethrower

Benefits: Enemy Settlement Troops Defense: -31.80%

Settlement Troop Attack: +63.50%

Of course, each SoS hero is unique in their own way. This includes Ashley Marshall, a rider from the Raiderz Biker Gang.

Her story is pretty similar to Rusty where she got sick and tired of the leader, Tombstone, and just wandered off

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (13)

In rare instances, you can hear Ash singing her heart out and serenading the settlement.

  • Brooke

Weapon: Iron glows

Benefits: -31.80% Enemy Settlement Troop Lethality

+149.05% Rally Troop Lethality

Remember Vi from League of Legends: Wild Rift?This is her now.

We are only kidding, of course. Both Brooke and Vi are amazing, incredible women who can fight with their enhanced fists.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (14)

You will see Brooke around the settlement with her deadly Iron Glows. She used to be a professional boxer.

  • Ernie

Weapon: Electric Hammer

Benefits: -31.80% Enemy Settlement Troop Lethality

+63.50% Rally Troop Lethality

Ernie was a football player during his glory days. Nowadays, he is very much attached to his choice of weapon, a hammer.

Nikola enhanced Ernie’s hammer to become an electric one to become more effective against zombies and the undead.

With Ernie’s fierce power and Nikola’s sharp mind, he’s an invincible force once he enters the battlefield.

  • Nikola

Weapon: Tesla gun

Benefits: +105.90% Troop Infected Attack

+21.15% Rally Troop Defense

Speaking of Nikola, you can pretty much say he gives a spark to the camp… Literally.

As you may have already guessed, Nikola is based on American inventor and electrical engineer Nikola Tesla.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (17)

Nikola is loved by everyone, except for Frank. The former’s English might not be that great and perfect, but Nikola can amuse you with his humor and even let you forget for a second that humanity is in danger.

  • Ray and Rolex

Weapon: Grenade launcher

Benefits: -31.80% Enemy Settlement Troop Attack

+63.50% Settlement Troop Defense

People with one-syllable names are always cool — Pink, Moses, and now Ray.

Ray used to be the owner of a nightclub. Behind the scenes, the club is really just a front for his firearms business. Ray was just about the closest thing the criminal underworld had to a king.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (18)

He has a pet falcon named Rolex who he rescued from a mission.

  • Wolfe

Weapon: Mutated arm

Benefits: +63.50% Settlement Troop Health

+21.15% Rally Troop Lethality

As you may have already guessed from his form, Wolfe has been through a lot.

Corporal Jonas P. Wolfe is a former military man who was tasked to the frontline when the zombie lockdowns started going.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (19)

He eventually agreed to work with GigaCorp in exchange for food and Biocaps. Unfortunately, he was tested by GigaCorp to undergo modifications which is obviously his mutated arm.

Apart from thinking about how to destroy GigaCorp, he continuously ponders another question — “What have I become?”

  • Jarret

Weapon: Bio weapon

Benefits: +63.50% Settlement Troop Defense

+21.15% Rally Troop Defense

Jarrett Taylor is a former Helixr laboratory employee who knows his way around a pandemic.

Jarret wears a mask and protective suit to prevention from the disease. We know what you’re thinking — we could really use a Jarret right now, huh?

Just like Wolfe, he also hates GigaCorp.

  • Jeb

Weapon: SKS

Benefits: -31.80% Enemy Settlement Troop Lethality

21.15% Rally Troop Attack

Another tinkerer in the group, Jeb Nelson used to live in a secluded area far away from all the hustle and bustle of the city.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (20)

While he never had the chance to read well, Jeb has been gifted with the ability to understand how machines work.

He is accompanied by his drone bird named Lucky.

  • Lucky

Weapon: Unknown

Benefits: -31.80% Enemy Settlement Troop Defense

+21.15% Rally Troop Health

Okay, this is a different Lucky than the drone bird that we have discussed above.

The settlers know little of this girl named Lucky. Her manic laughter and outburst of emotions very much remind us of DC Comics’ Harley Quinn.

“Wait ’till they get a load of me,” Harley Quinn would say.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (21)

Lucky likes to keep a tally of the infected she has killed.

When she was just five years old, she became a member of the traveling circus where the ringmaster bestowed her the name “Lucky.” Years later, it stuck. She really is lucky, after all.

  • Tyler Kurtz

Weapon: Bow and arrow

Benefits: +63.50% Settlement Troops Health

+21.15% Rally Troop Attack

Have you ever met a real-life Tarzan? Or perhaps someone like Genshin Impact’sRazor?

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (22)

State of Survival has its very own orphan wolf boy in the form of Tyler Kurtz. Kurtz has been raised by the wolves, using the traditional bow and arrow to fend off zombies.

He also has his two wolf companions by his side named Black and White.

  • Zoe

Weapon: Compound crossbow

Benefits: +63.50% Settlement Troops Defense

+21.15% Rally Troops Defense

Another bow user in the team, Zoe grew up taking painfully staking archery classes.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (23)

It paid off greatly when the infected struck the city.

Little did Zoe know, Ghost has a huge crush on her.

  • Julie Garcia

Weapon: Unknown

Benefits: -30.60% Enemy Settlement Troop Attack

+61.10% Settlement Troop Lethality

Spanish character Julie Garcia keeps a lot of secrets. She is the mother of Becca and after years of yearning, the two have finally been reunited in the midst of the zombie apocalypse.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (24)

Among all other things, Julie is proficient in archery, marksmanship and close combat. She is also fond of flower arrangement, cooking, and music.

  • Maddie & Frank

Weapon: Crossbow

Benefits: +63.50% Settlement Troop Attack

+21.15% Rally Troop Attack

The face of State of Survival, Maddie Mills might now just join the orphan club. She was visiting her stepdad when the apocalypse happened.

Her dad was a Frank Sinatra fan, which explains her pet dog’s name.

So far, at least, it appears that dogs are immune to the RA13 bacteria.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (25)

Maddie now completes the love triangle between Ghost and Zoe since she has a crush on the former.

  • Miho

Weapon: Unknown

Benefits: -31.90% Enemy Settlement Troop Health

+21.15% Rally Troop Health

Tanaka Miho is of Japanese descent. Her backstory revolves around vengeance and the search for justice for her dad’s death. Her father had been murdered in a gangland execution back in Japan.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (26)

Miho knows how to use guns, knives, or any other weapon which makes her a very versatile melee and ranged character.

  • Trish

Weapon: Sniper AWM

Benefits: -31.80% Enemy Settlement Troop Attack

+63.50% Settlement Troop Lethality

The doctor of the group, Trish Rangan worked her way to graduate med school despite financial problems.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (27)

She works closely with Doctor Yamazaki to treat the wounded in the settlement.

  • Zach

Weapon: Gun

Benefits: +31.80% Settlement Troop Attack

+63.50% Settlement Troop Lethality

Another inventor in the group, Zachary Fairchild is the expert when it comes to the next level technology.

Zach has tinkered with a lot of mechanical stuff including robots and drones. In fact, he has a mechanical drone named Mark.

Zach is also a huge gamer.

  • Daryl Dixon

Weapon: Stryker crossbow

Benefits: Unknown

Daryl Dixon is one of the main protagonists of AMC’s The Walking Dead. He is part of the core group of survivors, known for his hunting skills and ability to kill Walker zombies flawlessly.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (28)

His main weapon of choice is the Stryker Crossbow, an iconic piece of armory that has already put thousands of zombies to sleep. Daryl Dixon is played by phenomenal actor Norman Reedus

You can read more on how to get State of Survival’s Daryl Dixonin our previous guide.


  • Wacko

Weapon: Unknown

Benefits: Unknown

Released just this year, Wacko is a special character in State of Survival.

He is the very first Hero being introduced as a Resonating/Power-Sharing Hero, which means that he will not need to upgrade his level, skill level, Hero attributes, battle power, or his rank as he will be copying the stats of the Hero that is being Resonated/mirrored with him.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (29)

Wacko is a big fan of classic horror movies which explains his nickname. His real name is William Sawyer.

BlueStacksoffers multiple features to help you kill zombies and build the best empire ruled by humans. BlueStacks can easily let you zoom in or zoom out of your headquarters, and you can also tap on to things with just a few keys and clicks.

For more zombie-slaying tips, read up on our State of Survival game guides here.

The Ultimate State of Survival Hero Guide by BlueStacks (2024)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

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Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.